Thursday, September 09, 2004

Google recruiting games

There is a bilboard in the Harvard square T stop that say:
{first 10-digit prime found in consecutive digits of e}.com
so if you find what that number is and you go to you get to a second puzzle:

Congratulations. You've made it to level 2. Go to and enter Bobsyouruncle as the login and the answer to this equation as the password.
f(1)= 7182818284
f(2)= 8182845904
f(3)= 8747135266
f(4)= 7427466391
f(5)= __________

Anyway, apparently if you keep going you finally get to some web page that tells you congrats and encourages you to apply to a job a Google!
it's kind of fun no? I'm still stuck on the second puzzle though. no google job for me!


Blogger finou said...

ok I think I figured it out but I think I need to write a program to solve it (cause I don't want to do it manually) so maybe I'll finish it up later :P

9/09/2004 01:04:00 PM  
Blogger finou said...

Woohoo! I did it and I did it all in Matlab! take that you silly Google people...
(still don't think they would want to hire me... :)-

9/09/2004 04:48:00 PM  
Blogger mwal said...

Oh, I forgot to post this to the blog earlier, but if you like word puzzles, the New York Times had a set of puzzles for the Olympics. The puzzles are pretty nice, given that they are for free. They were not too difficult for me except for the "high jump" one. I had to cheat (i.e. use google) to finish that one.

9/10/2004 02:21:00 AM  
Blogger mwal said...

Darnit! That link works from this page (it appears in the right hand column, under 'op ed puzzles') but it doesn't seem to work otherwise. I guess they check the http referrer (or something) to keep people like me from linking to that page. Oh well...

9/10/2004 02:29:00 AM  
Blogger Vincent said...

On general principle I dislike puzzles where you're supposed to find the next number in a series, since any value of f(5) could be correct for an unknown function given values of f(1), f(2), f(3), and f(4). That said, I was certain that the answer was going to be 7618386062, but it turns out I'm wrong. Looks like I've got a lot of training to do if I want to be useful to some team for Mystery Hunt in January....

9/11/2004 12:26:00 AM  
Blogger Vincent said...

All right, I gave up and looked at the solution. But the real solution isn't nearly as nice as mine: f(n) = the next 10 digits after the xth appearance of the digit 2, where x is the (2n-1)th Fibonacci number.

9/11/2004 12:36:00 AM  
Blogger finou said...

you know I totally came up with something similar to that on my first try. Then when that didn't work I started over and tried to find something more simple :)-

9/13/2004 11:54:00 AM  

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