Rumours abound....
that new doctors have come into existence. Please self-identify so congraction* can commence.
(*) Congratulations.... in action. Congratulations in action. Congraction!
(*) Congratulations.... in action. Congratulations in action. Congraction!
Yep, Delphine defended successfully last week, and myself yesterday morning. Now we just need to turn in the actual thesis documents today or Monday :)
Although this "congraction" thing sounds a bit scary. I shudder to think what sort of definitions would be proposed if that word were to come up in a game of Balderdash...
Congrats BDelphine... Or should I say Dr & Dr BDelphine.
So as Eminem would say:
Will the real Slim Ph.Ds please stand up?
Congrats to Drs. Briphine, er... Drs. Delphian, no, Drs. Belphine! I guess bdelphine is still the most sensible name merge.
My first thought was that Congraction was some sort of Congressional Action, which would of course be more of an oxymoron than a paradox.
Yes, Congratulations to both of you!
And I hope you are enjoying the snow -- or at least not very inconvenienced by it.
Congratulations! It must be a relief to finally have the theses all done. :)
Ok! It's official we have both turned in our theses!
Thanks everyone :)
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