Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf on The Daily Show last night: great interview, or the greatest interview?
So, who doesn't have a word for rain falling while the sun is shining? And what are all those other phrases? The results surprise me.
So, who doesn't have a word for rain falling while the sun is shining? And what are all those other phrases? The results surprise me.
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Very interesting dialect pages.
On that topic, I like this visualization, which uses data from the good old popvssoda.com. It's a nice example of a 2-d histogram.
My county really stands out. I wonder if that's just small number statistics, or whether it's because I live on the frontier between "Coke" (wrong unless it's actually Coca-Cola) and "soda" (right).
the soda pop thing was weird for our area. I know all the stores and stuff call it a soda and all the people I know call it soda (with one calling it pop but she is from the midwest). However, it seems that we are labeled a Coke region. I haven't heard anyone call a nonCoke soda coke so I'm wondering if that's just because all people drink around here are coca-colas! ;)
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