Sunday, March 26, 2006

Why so quiet?

Since people have been so quiet, I'll mention a cute ad that finou and acg might like. The ad opens with the text "combination off the two". We see an ice rink. On the ice, right by a door, is a man in red stretching and standing around. A talented female figure skater all in white is executing some spins. Another man in blue sweats is nearby. The woman doesn't see him and spins into him, knocking him into the guy in red, who falls through the door. The ad is for Dooly's, a bar where one can play pool.


Blogger Justin said...

Ummm, does the ad lose some humor in the translation?

3/27/2006 11:51:00 AM  
Blogger finou said...

I have grant proposals due on April 7 and May 1st so I'm kind of hosed but for some punting...
Have you seen the 16 baby pandas?? that's way way way too much cuteness at once!!
There's even a video on cbs...
In other punting news, for anyone that cares about figure skating, Kimmie Meissner (cute 16 year old from US) and Stephan Lambiel (the crazy spinning Swiss) won singles events the World Championship. Yay! They skated well.
The Chinese pair were impressive as usual. But the ice dance competition was actually really exciting and really close (the Bulgarian's won by like 1 pt over the Canadians and the American's were not far behind).
and if anyone cares: Sasha Cohen came in 3rd by screwing up her long program yet again. surprise surprise...

3/27/2006 09:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In skating cuteness news, ABC Family Channel recently debuted the made-for-TV movie Cutting Edge 2. (And they also preceeded it by showing Cutting Edge 1.) I didn't see them, but Cutting Edge 2 has the girl from Disney's "Even Stephens".

On a related note, I haven't see Ice Princess, even though it stars a grown-up (and barely recognizable!) Michelle Tractenburg (mrowr!) -- of Pete and Pete fame :)

And anyone been brave enough to see She's the Man yet?


3/29/2006 01:14:00 AM  
Blogger finou said...

oooh look who is punting again... (so bad but my brain is mush at the moment and I needed a break)
Anyway,I just want to say
heh heh heh...

3/29/2006 03:40:00 PM  
Blogger Qian said...

Baby pandas, Ice Princess, She's the Man!? Dude, this place is turning into MySpace. :) What's up with Sasha Cohen and the long program anyway? I don't think she's eating enough to last through it. Maybe when they allow her to take a timeout, drink some gatorade and eat an energy bar she'll be able to compete.

3/29/2006 05:05:00 PM  
Blogger finou said...

(wow the grant's not progressing much today...)
Sasha Cohen has never ever been consitent. I don't think I have ever seen her skate 2 clean programs at a competition. She has bad jumps (she doesn't get high enough and she has a tendency to flutz) so as soon as she is a bit tired/under the weather/losing concentration which is bound to happen at a competition, she messes up a bunch of jumps...
Anyway, having never been a Sasha fan, I must say I wasn't surprised by how she did at World's and it was nice to see that the commentators weren't so way pro-Sasha this time too...

3/29/2006 08:16:00 PM  
Blogger Justin said...

Perhaps Sasha should adopt the Chinese pairs strategy and blow a trick midway through. She'll lose a point, but she'll get a nice long timeout to recover from the spill and catch her breath. Then she can skate the rest of the program fresh.

4/04/2006 12:59:00 AM  

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