Friday, July 16, 2004

A sad day for chess

Bobby Fischer is being held in Japan and may be extradited to the US. (CBC article) The US revoked his passport, since he was indicted by a grand jury in 1992 for playing a chess match against Spassky in Yugoslavia, which was then under sanctions. Chessbase has an interesting take on the events, concluding that Bobby is not a criminal.


Blogger finou said...

I believe that he got in trouble because he got paid lots of money to play this match in Yogoslavia while there were still UN and (more importantly) US sanctions against that country which basically said the US citizen were not allowed to do business there and get paid. There was a good explaination of it on the NY times or slashdot or somewhere like that I read on Friday...

7/17/2004 10:01:00 PM  
Blogger finou said...

wow I write really long run-on sentences! :P

7/17/2004 10:06:00 PM  
Blogger Vincent said...

I don't think anything there qualified as run-on in the grammatical sense. And if you think your sentence was really long, don't read anything by William Faulkner.

Actually, not reading Faulkner is just good advice in general. In high school I had to read The Hamlet, a thoroughly tedious work in which page-long sentences are not uncommon.

7/17/2004 11:36:00 PM  
Blogger mwal said...

"Canst thou not minister to a mind diseased,
Pluck from the memory a rooted sorrow,
Raze out the written troubles of the brain
And with some sweet oblivious antidote
Cleanse the stuff'd bosom of that perilous stuff
Which weighs upon the heart?"

Shakespeare is da bomb.

If Bobby Fischer is eventually extradited, tried, found guilty, etc., then I hope he does at least get some treatment out of it. But I don't think it's too likely. It certainly doesn't sound as though he's likely to opt for it. And to be treated against your will, some kind of threshold has to be passed (i.e. be a danger to people around you? or something like that).

7/19/2004 02:20:00 AM  
Blogger Vincent said...

The Globe and Mail ran a few quotes from Fischer post-9/11.

7/24/2004 11:48:00 PM  

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